Empower Your
Leadership Team

Leadership is the heart of your company. But too often they lack the training and support they need to motivate employees, build a strong culture, and manage their own stress. Change is here.


How does mental health support empower leadership?

Leaders have a profound impact on your team.


of people claim their managers have the greatest impact on their team. But…


of leaders report high stress at work!

With the right mental health support tools,

your leadership team can both:

Boost their own well-being and decrease their stress

Provide better support and management for their direct reports, ensuring a healthy company culture

How does nilo.health help?

Train your leaders with our specialized program to support, educate and empower management

Improve everyone’s well-being: 96% of nilo.health users report “strong improvement” in their mental health

Mental health benefits reduce absenteeism by 25% and increase productivity by 24%… at least!

Reduce stress: 71% of users struggling with stress improve after using nilo.health

How do we do it?

Free 1-to-1 sessions with expert therapists for every employee

Sessions, roundtables and digital self-guided content, all available online

A tailored program for leaders to support management

An HR dashboard to monitor and understand employee health in your company

A dedicated success team to ensure productive rollout and high engagement

Get started

A strong and successful leadership team starts here.

Book your free demo today.