customer stories – Marike from Oatly

For a user spotlight, we caught up with Marike, Barista Market Development Manager DACH+PL at Oatly Germany, to find out all about how she approaches her mental health and the special reminder her gave her… 

What’s your name and what do you do at Oatly Germany?

My name is Marike. I am responsible for all things around coffee at Oatly. My team is always on the road, visiting Specialty Coffee Shops and hosting fun, nerdy events for baristas, for example, Latte Art Battles.

While my body needs a healthy sleep routine, exercise and good food, mindfulness and reflection sessions with my loved ones (and my keep me healthy mentally.  

What does mental health mean to you?

Just like physical health, mental health is the basis for everything. For being able to build a meaningful life for yourself, no matter what meaningful means to you personally. Just like your body needs a trained immune system to not get sick or recover a lot easier, your mental immune system needs attention, too. While my body needs a healthy sleep routine, exercise and good food, mindfulness and reflection sessions with my loved ones (and my keep me healthy mentally.  

What’s your #1 tip for taking care of your mental health?

Pausing. Even if it is just for a few seconds. How am I feeling right now? What is going on in the tree outside my window? These mini-check-ins with myself and the outside world during a busy day help me stay connected to my emotional compass and nature. There were times when I missed the changing of the seasons because I was so distracted by what was going on inside my head. I never want to miss out on that again.

How is Oatly Germany supporting your mental health?

Working for a company that has matching values and a mission that will make the world a better place is a powerful potion for mental health. The whole team is fantastic and full of energy. Everybody is being accepted just as they are and supported in so many ways, being only one (but important) example of many. 

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My is absolutely fantastic – warm, wise, funny and empathetic. And I loved how simple it was to organize my session with her.

How has helped you in your personal and professional development?

The sessions with my were a great reminder of something I thought I had internalized already: You don’t have to have massive problems or a “proper” diagnosis to benefit from therapy or coaching sessions. I can deal with most situations on my own, but the learning effect is so much greater if I have someone outside my head giving me a different perspective on things.

What is the best thing about for you?

Definitely my She is absolutely fantastic – warm, wise, funny and empathetic. And I loved how simple it was to organize my session with her. Easy access to support and coaching is really needed, especially for people who are a little bit hesitant. provides just that.

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