Case Studies – A Company in Crisis

From time to time, crisis descends on us all—companies included. At, we know that acting swiftly and proactively is key to minimizing the effects and damage a crisis can cause, and that’s why we work with both companies and individuals to manage crises in a supportive, psychologically safe way.

In this case study, we’ll break down the actions took to provide extra care and support during a crisis situation with one of our client companies. takes client confidentiality very seriously. As a result, we have anonymized all names (Company XY is our client) and modified events to make them unrecognizable. 

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Company XY had been working with for several months, having implemented a robust mental health support program that included counseling sessions with leading global psychologists, a self-guided library of digital tools, and live group formats to discuss mental health issues and tackle workplace problems. 

However, a difficult financial situation meant Company XY had to face significant downsizing. Mass layoffs impacted both the organization and, of course, the employees. To offer support and minimize issues further down the line, took proactive measures to provide additional mental health support during this challenging period.

Enhanced mental health support provided an action plan, strategic resources and extensive support as Company XY dealt with their crisis. Key stages included:

Crisis communication and transparency

Together with, Company XY prepared a crisis communication plan. They maintained open and transparent communication channels throughout the weeks leading to and from the layoffs, ensuring employees were regularly updated on the situation. Clear communication, particularly post-layoffs, helped alleviate anxiety and provided employees with a sense of security and trust.

Dedicated mental health support on- and offline

Providing employees with immediate and focused mental health support during a challenging time was a key priority. To enable this, equipped Company XY’s employees with crisis hotlines. One-to-one counseling sessions were encouraged and facilitated same-day support with an experienced psychologist.

In addition,’s dedicated team of mental health counselors and therapists were available for individual counseling sessions online as well as onsite support, providing employees with a safe space to express their concerns, fears, and emotions relating to the crisis.

“Proper & van Oostrom’s research in 2019 shows strong evidence that workplace psychological interventions have a positive effect on the prevention of mental health disorders,” says Dr. Katharina Koch,’s Head of Psychology. “As such, our team strives to foster resilience and promote mental well-being even in a time of crisis, by providing immediate and evidence-backed support.”

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Leadership support and training

Managers and team leads needed to be ready to provide appropriate support for their teams. worked hard to equip them as such, providing them with appropriate training materials and literature specific to crisis management. invited leaders to regular leadership roundtables, giving the chance to learn and grow in person. also encouraged and facilitated regular check-ins with every team, giving leadership the chance to actively listen and provide empathy and support during these challenging times. 

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Outcomes and Impact

We’re thrilled to report that despite the upsetting and difficult crisis situation,’s enhanced mental health support measures had multiple positive outcomes.

By the numbers, we saw:

  • 94.3% of users either showed improvement or maintained their mental health status
  • 96.7% of users reported they benefited very much from their use of
  • 62% of employees registered to use, and 25% were active on the platform

And based on internal reporting from Company XY leaders and employees, we are pleased to also report:

  • Increased employee resilience and coping abilities
  • Strengthened employee trust and loyalty, particularly compared to other companies without mental health support post-layoff
  • Enhanced organizational culture, leading to increased employee morale and engagement

Company XY is now in a stronger financial position, with a team who has increased confidence in their own abilities to face new challenges. And the shared commitment between and Company XY has reinforced the organization’s commitment to prioritizing mental health support throughout all stages of the employee experience. 

For, the case of Company XY also confirmed our own internal research and hypothesis: company crisis is manageable, and can even be a positive turning point. For Company XY, two aspects were crucial: the fact that they already had mental health support in place for their employees, and their fast action when crisis became apparent.

To learn more about’s capacity to help your company, get in touch today.

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