Employee well-being: how to increase it in your company

Here’s a no-brainer question: In your experience, do you work best when you’re cheerful and engaged or desperately miserable? When we’re stressed, unhappy or angry, we spend more time thinking about those emotions than we do working, creating, innovating, succeeding. That means it’s in your interest as an employer or HR manager to keep your team happy and engaged. Employee well-being isn’t just for your team’s sake – it’s crucial for the success of your whole company.

But also, work isn’t always fun! So how do you boost employee well-being while still keeping a busy, productive team, in good times and bad? Let’s find out.

Employee well-being: how to increase it in your company

Employee well-being is essential for a successful and thriving workplace. A workplace that prioritizes the well-being of its employees benefits from higher retention rates, lower costs, increased productivity, and overall success. And it has a direct impact on a company’s bottom line. When employees are happy and healthy, they are more likely to be engaged and productive, which results in higher retention rates, lower absenteeism and lower turnover costs. Additionally, a workplace that prioritizes well-being is more attractive to job seekers, making it easier to attract and retain top talent.

What are the best ways to improve employee well-being?

To improve employee well-being at your company, ensure you follow the following steps. 

Promote a healthy environment

Creating a healthy and supportive work environment is one of the best ways to improve employee well-being. This includes providing ergonomic equipment, promoting physical activity, and encouraging healthy habits like regular breaks, proper nutrition, hydration and self-care.

Think beyond Employee Assistance Programs

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have been traditionally used to help employees with mental health concerns. However, they are becoming less popular due to their lack of access and effectiveness. A good alternative to EAPs is a platform like nilo.health that provides employees with access to mental health support and self-guided programs and tools to improve their mental health and optimize their performance.

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The key is to understand your employees’ needs and tailor your efforts to their unique situations and preferences.

Encourage journaling

Encouraging employees to journal about their experiences and emotions can be a powerful way to improve their well-being. Journaling helps employees process their emotions and thoughts, increase self-awareness, and foster a growth mindset.

And much more!

Here are some more important tactics you can use to increase employee well-being at your organization.

  • Encourage physical activity: Offer on-site fitness classes or encourage employees to take walking breaks during the day.
  • Foster a positive work environment: Create a culture of positivity, respect, and support. Encourage employees to offer compliments and recognition to their colleagues.
  • Provide work-life balance: Offer flexible working hours, telecommuting options, or extended time off for personal and family reasons.
  • Invest in professional development: Offer training, coaching, or mentoring programs to help employees grow and advance in their careers.
  • Foster a sense of purpose: Provide opportunities for employees to contribute to charitable causes, participate in volunteer projects, or join employee resource groups.
  • Offer wellness programs: Encourage employees to participate in wellness programs, such as stress management workshops, nutrition classes, or mindfulness training.

These are just a few examples of how companies can invest in their employees’ well-being. The key is to understand your employees’ needs and tailor your efforts to their unique situations and preferences.

Employee well-being is essential for a successful and thriving workplace!

How do I measure employee well-being at my company?

Measuring employee well-being can help companies identify areas where they can improve and track the impact of their well-being initiatives. This can be done through employee surveys, focus groups, and performance metrics like absenteeism and turnover rates. Check out our extensive guide to measuring employee well-being for more information!

Happy employees, successful companies

In conclusion, employee well-being is essential for a successful and thriving workplace. Promoting a healthy environment, providing access to mental health support, and encouraging journaling are some of the best ways to improve employee well-being. By prioritizing well-being, companies can benefit from higher retention rates, lower costs, increased productivity, and overall success.

Use nilo.health as an employee mental health benefit that puts employee well-being first. Our platform provides access to high-quality psychological support and self-guided programs and tools to help employees improve their mental health and optimize their performance. Book a demo today!

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