Intelligent Surveys For Better Employee Feedback

Like our parents always told us, there’s one sure-fire way to find something out: Ask. There’s no better way to improve company culture and create a happier, more productive workplace than by getting feedback from the very people who work there. In this guest post by Eletive, we’ll explore the best ways to get and act on employee feedback.

As HR teams aim to digitalise operations and apply a more data-driven approach, digital employee pulse surveys have become a must-have. The latest frontier in employee feedback tech is now AI and machine-learning, and the new technologies are opening up a lot of opportunities to improve employee experience and build better workplaces

The evolution of employee surveys

As the employee experience has become an increasingly strong focus, employee feedback is today a fundamental part of most people strategies. This means that the need for quality data and real-time insights has increased dramatically.  

Amongst other positives, employee feedback is crucial for building a mentally healthy workplace.

Amongst other positives, employee feedback is crucial for building a mentally healthy workplace. Having an active and regular employee feedback process allows leadership to measure their team’s mood, step in before problems build to a crisis and know when to act preventatively. They also make it easier to boost employee well-being in other ways, such as by adding a mental health employee benefit or creating a culture of open communication and sharing. 

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Over the past decade, there has been a significant shift in how companies work with employee engagement surveys. From not using surveys at all, via yearly surveys and eventually pulse surveys, to intelligent employee engagement surveys powered by adaptive algorithms, machine learning, and AI.

Yearly employee surveys vs. regular pulse surveys 

Yearly employee surveys are comprehensive and typically conducted once a year to gather feedback from employees about various aspects of their job, work environment, and organisation. They cover a wide range of topics and can often be quite lengthy.

While yearly surveys offer a more in-depth analysis of an organisation, pulse surveys provide more real-time insights into employee sentiment and allow for quicker identification of potential issues that require attention.

Pulse surveys are shorter and more frequent surveys conducted more regularly, such as weekly, monthly or quarterly. They are designed to provide quick snapshots of employee engagement, satisfaction, and feedback on specific issues.

While yearly surveys offer a more in-depth analysis of an organisation, pulse surveys provide more real-time insights into employee sentiment and allow for quicker identification of potential issues that require attention.

The difference between regular pulse surveys and intelligent pulse surveys powered by AI and ML

Regular employee pulse surveys are conducted at a set frequency, usually monthly or quarterly, and provide a snapshot of employee engagement and feedback at a specific point in time. These surveys typically have a fixed set of questions and are administered to all employees, regardless of their unique experiences or circumstances.

Pulse surveys powered by machine learning and adaptive algorithms use artificial intelligence to tailor survey questions to individual employees based on their previous responses and unique characteristics. These surveys are designed to be more personalized and dynamic.

In contrast, pulse surveys powered by machine learning and adaptive algorithms use artificial intelligence to tailor survey questions to individual employees based on their previous responses and unique characteristics. These surveys are designed to be more personalized and dynamic, allowing organisations to gain deeper insights into specific employee experiences and factors that affect their engagement and performance.

Through machine learning and adaptive algorithms, pulse surveys can automatically adapt to changing circumstances and employee feedback over time, providing organizations with real-time insights and actionable feedback. This enables organizations to identify trends and patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed and make data-driven decisions to improve employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity.

Eletive is a modern People Success Platform

With Eletive, you get access to all the tools you need to measure and increase employee engagement: employee engagement surveys, advice and suggested actions, action plans, one-on-one meetings, 360 surveys, and much more. 

Book a demo today to explore how your organisation can benefit from a modern employee engagement tool.

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