What are accommodations?

A workplace accommodation is an adjustment to a job or work environment designed to help individuals with unique requirements perform their job duties.

Why are accommodations important?

Workplace accommodations help ensure the inclusion and well-being of all employees and bring diversity to the workplace. They are fundamental for people with disabilities, including those with mental illnesses, and they’re also useful for older workers, pregnant people and those with religious needs and family responsibilities.

Examples of workplace accommodations

  • Modified physical conditions, e.g. prayer space, lactation space, elevators/stairlifts
  • Modified job duties, e.g. excusing employees from specific duties or switching duties with others due to religious objections or physical limitations. 
  • Modified schedule, e.g. flexible work schedules, adjusting work hours for Sabbath requirements, medical appointments, prayer breaks, breastfeeding or rest
  • Installing special computer equipment or software
  • Changing the presentation of tests and training materials
  • Family-friendly programs


How nilo.health can help

Workplace accommodations are vital to supporting employee well-being and mental health as well as engagement and morale. However, there are plenty more ways you can help employees feel appreciated and able to do their best work. 

Flexible, easily accessible and science-based, the nilo.health platform gives employees access to counseling sessions as well as wide-ranging tools and resources promoting healthy lifestyle and mindset modifications that empower productivity and all-around well-being. Programs such as “Talking about mental health at work”, for example, teach leaders to recognize signs of mental health struggles, reach out to employees when there is cause for concern and respond appropriately when approached by those seeking help. [Book your free demo today to learn more!]

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