What is psychological safety?

Feeling psychologically safe is a shared belief in the workplace that it’s safe to take risks, speak up, challenge the status quo and act with vulnerability without the fear of negative consequences.

Why is psychological safety important?

A psychologically safe workplace lays the foundation for innovation, risk-taking, creativity and high performance. Increased psychological safety has also been shown to lead to a reduction in turnover and an increase in productivity.

Project Aristotle, Google’s investigation into what qualities make for the best teams, found that psychological safety was the number one factor in determining how well a team worked.

Warning signs of low workplace psychological safety

  • Employees don’t ask questions during meetings
  • Employees don’t own up to mistakes 
  • Executives and team leaders dominate meetings
  • Feedback is not frequently given or requested
  • Employees don’t go beyond their job description to support other teammates
  • Employees don’t ask one another for help when they need it

How nilo.health can help

Creating psychologically safe work environments starts with education and training.  nilo.health’s digital tools and programs combine scientific insights and hands-on exercises to teach self-care, stress management and a wide range of other skills vital to workplace mental health and well-being. Specifically, the nilo.health program “Creating psychological safety” teaches leaders what psychological safety is, its benefits to the workplace and the high cost of its absence. 

One-on-one psychological support and webinars and group sessions on critical topics, such as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, round out the offering.

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