Remote work, also called work from home (WFH) is a type of flexible working arrangement which permits an employee to work from a location outside of a company’s offices. Remote work arrangements can be temporary or permanent, part-time or full-time, occasional or frequent.
For employees who can do their work offsite, a remote work arrangement can support work-life balance, provide wider access to career opportunities and reduce commuting costs. Benefits for organizations include increased employee satisfaction, retention and diversity, increased productivity and lower overhead costs.
Fully remote teams – The organization does not have a central office: everything is done remotely.
Distributed hubs – The workforce is “distributed” by a company setting up small, satellite offices outside its headquarters. Employees who don’t work from the headquarters are considered remote workers.
Flexible remote work – With this hybrid model, some employees may work from home a few days a week while some employees or whole teams may solely work remotely.
Remote positions – A team works predominantly from the office, with one or two roles performed off-site as ‘remote positions’.
Hybrid work models can result in burnout for some employees. Remote workers often feel disconnected from company culture and the need to compensate for their distance from the office by working longer hours.
The programs, “Prevent burnout in your team” and “Fix your work-life balance”, supplemented by 1:1 sessions with psychologists, daily meditations and hands-on tools for self-care and -development, support both leaders and remote workers in staying healthy and connected.