Welcome to Your Company’s Stress First Aid Kit
Sometimes stress feels like just the cost of doing business. But stress quickly gets out of control, and causes huge problems for the performance, productivity and well-being of your team. So when you detect stress in your organization, it’s time to take action.
To help you out, here’s your first aid kit: all the resources you need to treat and solve stress in your organization.

Now, make sure there’s a first aid kit available in every level of your company.
Conduct risk assessments to see the weak spots in your organization.

A dose of vitamins to stop getting sick in the first place.
Preventative care is the most effective at keeping your workplace stress-resilient.
Check out our webinar recording on preventing stress and building functioning teams.

A cold compress to soothe your brow.
At its worst, stress leads swiftly to burnout, a critical issue facing companies. Burnout is one of the top three reasons employees leave their companies, and it results in a loss of productivity, performance, and well-being.
Take steps to tackle it with our guide to beating burnout.

Painkillers to bring down your temperature.
Leadership has the ability to calm a workplace like no one else.
Check out our guides for tips on how managers, employers and company leaders can build a positive and stress-resilient environment.
Now speak to a professional.
When things are tough, you don’t need a band-aid — you need someone who knows what they’re doing. That’s us.
Employee mental health is our number one priority
To ensure your team gets the best support, we work with leading global psychologists with over 25 focus areas and specialities.
of users struggling with stress improve after using nilo.health

Build a stress-resilient team.