
Neurodiversity and -inclusion

with Aurelia Hack

Organizational psychologist;
Mental Health Specialist; nilo.health expert

08 FEB. | 14:00 PM CET – 1 hour


When we think of diversity and inclusion, we often focus on race, gender, and age. But D&I encompasses much more than that. One area that is often overlooked is neurodiversity and -inclusion.
In this webinar, you will get more insights on what neurodiversity and -inclusion is, why every company can benefit from a neuroinclusive corporate culture, and how everyone can contribute to creating a more neuroinclusive workplace.
This workshop offers:

  • Definition of neurodiversity and inclusion
  • Facts & Figures on neurodivergent persons
  • The benefits of a neuroinclusive corporate culture
  • Impulses on how to create a neuroinclusive corporate culture
  • Factors of psychological safety
  • Dos & Dont's in communication
  • Psychoeducation

About Aurelia Hack

Aurelia is an industrial & organizational psychologist. The focus of her research and scientific work is on Mental Health at Work and the work trends of the future. She is the managing director of Hack Corporate Health Consulting & Communication. Together with her team, she advises companies throughout Europe on establishing sustainable mental health strategies or optimizing their existing corporate health management in order to protect the health of their employees.