Get the best mental health support for your team

nilo is a personalized, on-demand mental health support platform for your team.

Give your whole team easy access to 300+ psychologists, group sessions, and other formats via our digital platform.

Complete the form to schedule your free demo with a member of our team.

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Why you should invest in your employees' mental health

1. Increase productivity

75% of employees experience mental health challenges that affect their productivity at work.

2.Improve company culture

42% of employees reported that bad workplace culture has impacted their mental health.

3. Attract and retain talent

75% of millennials have left roles due to anxiety and lack of motivation.

4. Combat stress and burnout

50% of employees feel in danger of burnout.

How does nilo improve employee mental health?

1-on-1 sessions with licensed psychologists:

nilo's 1:1 sessions are individual video counseling sessions, ideal for tackling acute topics as well as prevention

Group sessions:

Our various group formats provide guidance and insights from psychologists, coaches and trainers

Clinically-developed tools:

These tools will support employees to relax, focus, and feel good day-to-day.

Daily meditations:

Encourage mindfulness and boost long-term well-being of your employees.

Improve  company culture, attract new talent and make your  team happy with nilo